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When Fax Machines Were High Tech

Staff reflects on past accomplishments It’s been said that change is the only constant in life. The Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association certainly has navigated many industry and policy changes over its 70-year history. Yet it also boasts years of steady leadership, growth and service. “In recent years, the PFMA family has grown to include many […]

Legislator Spotlight: State Rep. Matthew Bradford

What are your top three legislative priorities in 2022?  My priority is properly funding our public schools. For decades, Pennsylvania has failed to provide schools the funding they need for success, which leads to gross inequities between districts and communities that can afford to fill the void through local taxes and those who cannot.  We […]

Preparing for a threat anywhere, anytime

It’s been nearly four months since a shooting at a Tops Friendly Market in Buffalo, N.Y., became the latest high-profile, gun-related incident in a grocery store, killing 10 people and injuring others.  A growing number of lone wolf-style attacks across the country have terrorized public places such as schools, churches, movie theaters, nail salons, grocery stores […]

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