A treasure between tourist attractions

What’s the secret to making it in business more than a century? “Be nice, be fair, be productive,” said Mike Pronio, third-generation family owner of Pronio’s Market in downtown Hershey. “It’s simple.” Beneath towering coaster tracks and behind the latest strip of chain stores, just two block from Chocolate Avenue, is a neighborhood staple. The […]
Legislator Spotlight: State Rep. Dan Moul
What are your three legislative priorities in 2021? Milk dating SB434 will put PA milk/dairy farms on the same playing field as surrounding states; removing PPE from the Farm show building so we can use the building once again for it’s intended use—to showcase our No. 1 industry in Pennsylvania; making sure that agriculture does […]
New members join PFMA this spring
PFMA welcomes three associate members and one retail member. Joining in June as an associate member, Cozen O’Connor Public Strategies is a bipartisan lobbying firm that provides government solutions from the local to the federal level. Their experts know how to work with modern political institutions. They steer clients to success by staying informed, practical and persuasive. […]