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Advertising Rates

Stand out among PFMA members

Introduce your company, products and services to the retail food industry, and support the important work of the Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association (PFMA). Our audience is targeted—you know your ad is getting to the right people. With more than 500+ members in 2,400+ stores, your products and services will be in front of some of the most successful and largest food and beverage retailers in Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic region. Download the ad sheet (PDF).

Publication ads

Both Spectrum magazine and the Membership Directory and Buyer’s Guide run full-, half-, quarter- and eighth-page size ads in full color. Each ad has a border around it; there is no bleed. Spectrum ads can be purchased individually, for multiple issues, or in conjunction with the Membership Directory and Buyer’s Guide. Spectrum ads are due the second Monday of February, April, June, August, October and December. Directory ads are due mid-November.

Note: All rates reflect the total cost for that package. 

1 Issue2 Issues3 Issues6 IssuesMembership DirectorySpectrum + Directory
Full Page
(7.5" x 10")
Half Page
(7.5" x 4.75")
Quarter Page
(3.6" x 4.75")
Eighth Page
(3.6" x 2.25")

Full Page

7.5" x 10"
  • 1 Issue | $750
  • 2 Issues | $1,350
  • 3 Issues | $1,920
  • 6 Issues | $3,600
  • Membership Directory | $750
  • Spectrum + Directory | $1,350

Half Page

7.5" x 4.75"
  • 1 Issue | $550
  • 2 Issues | $990
  • 3 Issues | $1,410
  • 6 Issues | $2,640
  • Membership Directory | $550
  • Spectrum + Directory | $990

Quarter Page

3.6" x 4.75"
  • 1 Issue | $400
  • 2 Issues | $730
  • 3 Issues | $1,020
  • 6 Issues | $1,920
  • Membership Directory | $400
  • Spectrum + Directory | $720

Eighth Page

3.6" x 2.25"
  • 1 Issue | $300
  • 2 Issues | $540
  • 3 Issues | $765
  • 6 Issues | $1,440
  • Membership Directory | $300
  • Spectrum + Directory | $540

Web ads

Ads on run at the top of the homepage under the PFMA header, or along the bottom of the site above the footer. We offer four sizes of web ads, based on IAB flexible ad size standards. Ads are due two weeks before they are scheduled to run.

1 Month2 Months3 Months
(4:1, 1800 x 450)
Large Leaderboard
(10:1, 1800 x 180)
(8:1, 1200 x 150)
(6:1, 450 x 75)


4:1, 1800 x 450
  • 1 Month | $500
  • 2 Months | $900
  • 3 Months | $1,275

Large Leaderboard

10:1, 1800 x 180
  • 1 Month | $350
  • 2 Months | 630
  • 3 Months | 900


8:1, 1200 x 150
  • 1 Month | $200
  • 2 Months | 360
  • 3 Months | $255


6:1, 450 x 75
  • 1 Month | 100
  • 2 Months | $180
  • 3 Months | $255

Packages and sponsorships

Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with our members! Get the best of print and digital for a deal with PFMA’s advertising packages.

Or, support PFMA as a Corporate Leadership Sponsor! As a Corporate Leadership Sponsor, your benefits include free conference registration, promotion and signage at conferences, free ads in association publications, promotion through digital channels and recognition on our website.

Package 1

$ 1,600
  • Full-Page Spectrum Ad (Print and Digital)
  • Full-Page Membership Directory Ad
  • Billboard Ad (One Month)
  • SAVINGS: $400
Best Value

Package 2

$ 1,200
  • Half-Page Spectrum Ad (Print and Digital)
  • Half-Page Membership Directory Ad
  • Large Leaderboard Ad (One Month)
  • SAVINGS: $250

Package 3

$ 800
  • Quarter-Page Spectrum Ad (Print and Digital)
  • Quarter-Page Membership Directory Ad
  • Leaderboard Ad (One Month)
  • SAVINGS: $200

Package 4

$ 550
  • Eighth-Page Spectrum Ad (Print and Digital)
  • Eighth-Page Membership Directory Ad
  • Banner Ad (One Month)
  • SAVINGS: $150

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